Tuesday, January 8, 2008

he lives

its been a long time since my last post. i had promised myself this wouldn't happen, that i would keep up with a blog. its not that i don't have topics i want to write about, but rather the lack of time. for the past year, i have been doing a startup in the bay area. i know, cliche right? during the last year, i haven't been getting out much, mostly work on the company. the good thing is, i've learned a lot, about both software engineering and business. i wouldn't actually say i've learned about business, but more like finding out what consumers want and giving it to them.

there is a lot of good literature out there about the technical aspects of a startup. in essence, it all reduces to getting a small group of alpha coders collaboratively working on a piece software. i don't know if this is typical of many other startups, but none of our problems were technical. we never had a technical problem we didn't know how to solve. as someone told me this past year, "ideas are free, its all in the execution." all the problems were like when to launch, which features to add, how to manage prima donna coders, and where to get moneys.

the good news is that we're launching this thing soon at some.. conference; showing it to the world and whatnot.

stay tuned... more to come.

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