Saturday, July 21, 2007


i just have a quick idea that i want to put out there into the ether. if you dont know about OpenID, then you should really check it out. it is basically a decentralized authentication system. it lets you create an account somewhere once, and then it will let you log into anywhere else that supports OpenID. its getting some traction and hopefully it will really take off. i hate to have so many account on the internets. its just not efficient.

i want to extend this idea and create OpenSocialNetwork. this can actually be implemented as an extension of OpenID. i want to create my friends network in one place. there are all these social networking sites popping up and one problem is initially creating your social network. sites like facebook solve this problem by importing your email contacts list and searching their site for them. this is not a complete solution but illustrates the problem they are trying to solve. if your social network was a create-once-use-anywhere entity, it would make life much easier. social networking sites are here to stay, so let's try to make it a little less painful.

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